The Sixth Dimension
The Magna Defender


The Green Ranger
The White Ranger
The Gold Ranger
The Phantom Ranger
The Silver Ranger
The Magna Defender
The Titanium Ranger
The Quantum Ranger
The Lunar Wolf Ranger
The Green Samurai Ranger
White Shogunzord
Warrior Wheel
Mega Winger
Max Solarzord
Dark Wild Zords
Samurai Star
Dragon Dagger
Golden Power Staff
Super Silverizer
Magna Blaster
Titanium Laser
Quantum Defender
Lunar Cue
Samurai Saber


Magna Defender

Mike, Kai, and Kendrix are part of the crew on Terra Venture, a space station in search for new worlds. Mike holds a very high raking position and can often be found at the commanders side. Mikes brother, Leo, distressed at not being able to board Terra Venture and missing out on all of the action, disguised himself as a soldier and snuck aboard, allowing him to meet Kai and Kendrix and see Mike again. While Mike, Kendrix and Kai were on moon on a training mission Maya came running out, saying she needed their help. Mike and Kendrix went, but Kai did not, partly because he was skeptical and partly to make sure Leo did not get into any trouble. At the last second, Leo ran into the portal, eventually finding Mike, Kendrix, and Maya on Mirinoi. In an effort to find his friends, Kai takes the Astro Megaship, which was currently on display as a museum, with Alpha as a tour guide. He meets the rather lonesome Damon, who is the mechanic aboard the Astro Megaship. The three find Mirinoi and meet up with the others. The elder on Mirinoi leads the team to the quasar sabers, where Mike, Kai, Damon, Maya, and Kendrix successfully pull the Quasar Sabers becoming the Galaxy Power Ranger. Furio attacks, and Mike falls into a chasm, which had opened up due to the attack, but not before passing on his Quasar Saber to Leo, who became the Red Galaxy Ranger. The Magna Defender had been laying down in that chasm for 3,000 years, after he was defeated by Treachoran, who also killed the Magna Defender's son. Magna Defender had absorbed Mike's spirit to re-energize himself so he could get revenge for his sons murder, however Mikes spirit was not allowing him to do evil deeds. So Magna Defender finally let go of his anger and released Mike's spirit. When the Rangers were in trouble, the spirit of Magna Defender appeared to Mike and passed his powers to him, making Mike the new Magna Defender with all the weapons and abilities of the original. Terra Venture was trying to go through a portal to exit the Lost Glalaxy but the porthole wouldn't stay open long enough for the giant space station to get through. So Mike used his Torozord to hold it open long enough for Terra Venture to get through. But the portal closed on him, destroying Torozord and the Magna Defender powers. Leo rescued his brother unconscious body and when Mike awoke he found that his morpher was fried and he no longer possessed the powers of the Magna Defender

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