About The Tigerzord...
When Tommy's Green Ranger powers were decimated and he took on the powers of the White Ranger, he was given control of The White Tigerzord, which he controlled using Saba, a sentient sabre. The White Tigerzord had two modes, Tiger Mode (left) and Warrior Mode (right). Tigerzord could shoot great blasts of fire from its mouth and run at fast speeds. It could combine with the Firebird, Griffin, Lion and Unicorn Thunderzords to form the Mega Tigerzord. It could also combine with the other five Thunderzords and Tor, The carrier zord of the Thunderzords, to make the Thunder Ultrazord. When Rito Revolto, Rita's brother, came to help his sister and brother-in-law, Lord Zedd, in their conquest to conquer Earth