About The Dragon Zord...
The Dragonzord was given to the Green Ranger to use against the Power Rangers. The Dragonzord was very powerfull, it had a drill on the tip of its tail, and fired missles from its fingers. The Dragonzord was controlled by the Green Ranger's Dragon Dagger. The Dragonzord almost succeded in destroying the rangers. But when the spell on Tommy was broken and he joind the ranger team he used his Dragonzord to defend the city from evil. The Dragonzord could combine with the Sabretooth Tiger, Triceratops, and Mastadon Dinozords to form, Dragonzord: In Battle Mode. It could also combine with the five Dionzords to form, The Mega Dragonzord. When the Green Ranger's powers were drained the Dragonzord was left inoporable.