About Pyramidas...
When the Gold Ranger came to Earth to aid the Zeo Power Rangers he brought Pyramidas his giant pyramid zord. Pyramidas could combine with the five other Zeo Zords to form the Zeo Ultrazord. Alien chased the Gold Ranger, who was flying Pyramidas, through space and it was shot down on the planet of the Alien Rangers, Aquitar. This accedent injurred Trey and he had to give his powers to Jason. Feeling that he left Jason at a dissadvantage he sent jason the Warrior Wheel to use untill Pyramidas was repaired. Some time later Trey transmitted a message from Triforia telling Jason it was time for him to pilot the true Gold Ranger Zord, Pyramidas. When Trey recovered he took his Gold Ranger powers including Pyramidas and returned home.