The Sixth Dimension
The White Ranger


The Green Ranger
The White Ranger
The Gold Ranger
The Phantom Ranger
The Silver Ranger
The Magna Defender
The Titanium Ranger
The Quantum Ranger
The Lunar Wolf Ranger
The Green Samurai Ranger
White Shogunzord
Warrior Wheel
Mega Winger
Max Solarzord
Dark Wild Zords
Samurai Star
Dragon Dagger
Golden Power Staff
Super Silverizer
Magna Blaster
Titanium Laser
Quantum Defender
Lunar Cue
Samurai Saber


White Ranger

When Tommy Oliver Lost his Green Ranger powers the Power Rangers were down to five and with Lord Zedd's attacks becoming stronger and more frequent Zordon decided to create the White Ranger. So one day Zordon and Alpha shut down the command center and secretly began working on the White Ranger powers. Lord Zedd detected the weakness in the morphing grid and took advantage of this opportunity and created Nimrod, the Scarlet Sentinal. When Lord Zedd unleashed his monster on Angle Grove the Rangers went into battle but the Nimrod monster was too much for the rangers to handle and their Zords were damaged. So the rangers teleported out of battle and Billy teleported to the command center in search of Zordon and Alpha. Billy tapped into command center computer and entered the access code which revealed the door of light, which lead to a secret room in the command center. there he saw Zordon and Alpha working on the White Ranger powers. Billy informed the other rangers of this news and they seemed very curious as to who this "new guy" was. Zordon soon commanded the rangers to teleport to the command center. The rangers Teleported to the command center where Zordon explained that since the Green Ranger powers were destroyed they had selected a candidate and a new more powerful Ranger was created. The White Ranger was revealed to be none other then Tommy, the former Green Ranger and new leader of the Power Rangers. The White Ranger was given the White Tigerzord which he controlled with Saba, a saber. Tommy's White Tigerzord along with the other ranger's Thunderzords were destroyed by Rito Revolto, Rita's Brother. So the rangers embarked on a journey to find an ancient temple which held a great power. Once the rangers found this temple the temple keeper, Ninjor, gave them the Ninjazords. Tommy received the White Falcon Zord which could combine with the Ape, Wolf, Frog, Bear, and Crane Ninjazords to form the Ninja Mega Falconzord. When Zedd and Rita gained possession of the Falconzord the other Ninjazords were rendered inoperable so the rangers took control of ancient Zords known as, the Shogun Zords. Tommy controlled the White Shogunzord which he shared with the Pink Ranger. The Shogunzords were lost when Rita's father, Master Vile, turned back time. The White Shogun Zord was the last zord to be piloted by the White Ranger. When the power coins were destroyed each ranger went on their own quest to become....the Power Rangers Zeo. Tommy continued to lead the Zeo Rangers as Zeo Ranger V, Red

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