The Sixth Dimension
The Silver Ranger


The Green Ranger
The White Ranger
The Gold Ranger
The Phantom Ranger
The Silver Ranger
The Magna Defender
The Titanium Ranger
The Quantum Ranger
The Lunar Wolf Ranger
The Green Samurai Ranger
White Shogunzord
Warrior Wheel
Mega Winger
Max Solarzord
Dark Wild Zords
Samurai Star
Dragon Dagger
Golden Power Staff
Super Silverizer
Magna Blaster
Titanium Laser
Quantum Defender
Lunar Cue
Samurai Saber


Silver Ranger

When the Space Rangers (minus Andros) found a hidden room on the Astro-Megaship they discover a cryogenic tube which contained a cryogenically frozen, Silver Ranger. When Andros, the Red Ranger, discovered he rangers in the hidden chamber he seemed very displeased. The other rangers asked Andros who this frozen ranger was, and he explained that it was Zhane, the Silver Ranger. But two years prior, when KO-35 was attacked by Dark Specter, Zhane risked his life to save him and was injured. So Andros placed his injured comrade in the cryogenic tube keeping him alive while he healed. Later when the Megaship landed on an alien world, it was broken into by some hostile aliens who began to attack exterior panels. D.E.C.A., the Megaship's computer system, announced a malfunction in the healing chamber. The heart monitor on Zhane's cryogenic tube flashed "emergency" and soon flatlined. While fighting the attacking aliens outside, Andros could sense that something was wrong with Zhane. Andros collapsed onto his knees in defeat, thinking Zhane had died; he then got back up and pounded a large group of the aliens in a rage. Zhane's heart monitor started again, and as more drops rolled down the glass, Zhane's hand stirred. Soon the cryogenic bed opened, and Zhane emerged, chasing the Aliens out of the Megaship. As Zhane stepped out of the Megaship Andros was shocked to see him alive. While outside the rangers were fighting an alien monster. When this monster fired an energy blast knocking down the five Space Rangers, the Silver Ranger attacked the creature using his weapon, the Super Silverizer. The Silver Ranger slashed the monster with the Silverizer's Blade, which made the monster fall over and explode. The Silver Ranger was one of the most powerful rangers and he showed it during several more battles. However, Zhane's powers soon began to fail him. Alpha determined that Zhane's morphing energy had slowly been drained during his hypersleep. Zhane compared the situation to a car that had been parked too long, and Alpha agreed saying "Exactly". Alpha then told Zhane that he needed a concentrated dose of high-voltage electricity to "jump-start" his powers. Zhane was determined to restore his powers, so during a violent thunderstorm he pulled out his morpher and clicked it open, then held it up. One lightning bolt flashed through the morpher, making an explosion of sparks. The morphed Silver Ranger then rushed to join his friends in battle, demonstrating that his powers were completely restored. When Astronema gathered all of dark Specter's evil forces to conquer the universe, Zhane's zord, the Mega Winger, was destroyed. While on KO-35 the Space Rangers were invited to stay, but the four teens were homesick and ready to go back to Earth. Ashley, the Yellow Ranger, invited Andros to come to Earth with them to Earth. But Andros told her that KO-35 was his home and he was going to stay. As the four Earthen Space Rangers prepared to leave KO-35 and go home Ashley, the Yellow Ranger was saddened about Andros' decision to stay on KO-35. As the four teens prepared for liftoff Andros entered and told D.E.C.A. to set a course for Earth. He told the delighted teens that his home was with them. Soon after, Zhane entered and told them that the Megazord was in the shop and he could use a ride to Earth. So the Space Rangers including Andros and Zhane headed back to Earth. That was the last time the Silver Ranger was seen.

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