Green Samurai Ranger
Cameron is the son of the Ninja Storm Power Ranger's Sensei. He is technical advisor to the rangers and the one who created the Wind Ranger's powers, morphers, and zords. Cam wanted to be a part of the team, but because of a promise made to his mother the Sensei forbid him from becoming a ranger. When Lothor's monster Madtropolis stole the ranger's energies and locked them in a sphere the rangers were weak and powerless. Cam teleported them back to Ninja Ops and with a minor adjustment to their morphers they were given a temporary energy boost. The re-energized rangers went to battle Madtropolis and managed to get the sphere containing their energies. Cam teleported the sphere back to Ninja Ops but could not figure out a way to get it opened. So Cam traveled back in time to retrieve the one power source that could help, the Samurai Amulet. Cam soon found himself at the Wind Ninja academy of the past, he also finds Kanoi, his future father, who attacked the "intruder". The Sensei of the past soon steps through the waterfall and tells Cam that he may join the other students. Cam puts on a test uniform and joins the other students, watching Kanoi demonstrate the sword techniques of the Wind Ninja. Cam then met Kiya, a cocky student who is Kanoi's twin brother. Kanoi soon duels Miko, who wares the Samurai amulet. Miko wins the duel and become the first female student in the academy's history. Later Kiya, dressed in a test uniform like cam's, steals Miko's amulet. Cam is accused of this crime and arrested. Kanoi noticed a strange green light coming from the woods and goes to investigate and discovers his brother, Kiya, using the dark ninja powers to unlock the amulet's powers. Just as the Sensei is about to pass judgment on the accused (Cam), Kanoi comes fourth with he real guilty party, Kiya. Kiya uses the dark powers to create a force field around him and Cam and the two battle fiercely. Kiya had nearly beaten Cam but the amulet around his neck sent cam flying into the air and when Kiya landed the force field disappeared. The Sensei banished Kiya from the academy and stripped him of his name and ninja rank. Kiya said he had no use for the sensei's archaic ways or worthless name, and told that he would take the name of the ancient warrior of evil, Lothor. The Sensei enclosed Kiya, now known as Lothor, in a giant bubble and banished him to space where his dark ninja powers can cause no harm. Cam returned to the present and used the amulet to become the Green Samurai Ranger. Cam used his Samurai Star zord to destroy Madtropolis and save the city. Back at Ninja Ops Sensei told the rangers that the sphere contained the powers of five rangers and could only be opened by a greater power. Dustin suggested the power of six rangers, so the six rangers placed their hands on the sphere and the five rangers powers were completely restored. In the final battle against Lothor the Green Samurai Ranger along with the other five Rangers powers were stolen by Lothor before he was sealed in the abyss of evil, taking with him the ranger powers.