About The Falconzord...
When Rito Revolto came to assist his sister, Rita Repulsa, and brother-in-law, Lord Zedd, he was sucessesful in destroying the Power Rangers' Thunderzords. So the rangers made a dangerous journey to the temple of power, where a legandary being known as Ninjor gave them the Ape, Wolf, Frog, Bear, Crane, and Falcon Ninjazords. Tommy piloted the White Falconzord, which could shoot missles out of the tip of it's wings. The Falconzord could combine with the five other Ninjazords to form, the Ninja Mega Falconzord. The falconzord could also combine with the five Ninjazords and Titanus, who was brought back into action as Carrierzord, to form the Ninja Ultrazord. When Zedd and Rita gained possesion of the Falconzord it left the other Ninjazords inoperorable. So the rangers were given the Shogun Zords. Then when Tommy finally regained his Falconzord it could combine with the five Shogunzords to form, the Shogun Mega Falconzord. The Falconzord along with the other Ninjazords were lost when Rita's father, Master Vile, reversed time.