The Sixth Dimension
The Quantum Ranger


The Green Ranger
The White Ranger
The Gold Ranger
The Phantom Ranger
The Silver Ranger
The Magna Defender
The Titanium Ranger
The Quantum Ranger
The Lunar Wolf Ranger
The Green Samurai Ranger
White Shogunzord
Warrior Wheel
Mega Winger
Max Solarzord
Dark Wild Zords
Samurai Star
Dragon Dagger
Golden Power Staff
Super Silverizer
Magna Blaster
Titanium Laser
Quantum Defender
Lunar Cue
Samurai Saber


Quantum Ranger

In the distant future using an experimental Time Gate, the Q-Rex and Quantum Controller Box are hurled through a time portal, and lost in time. Then in the year 2001 during an archeological dig the Quantum Controller box, containing the Quantum Morpher, was discovered. A young man named Eric Meyers stole the Quantum Morpher and used it to become the Quantum Ranger. Eric finds out about the Q-Rex, the strongest zord built by time force, and is determined to find it. However Ransik was also after the Q-Rex and he sent one of his mutants, Commandacon, to retrieve it. When Eric saw the time-hole being used by Ransik's mutant he summoned the TF Eagle. As it began to take off Wes morphed and hopped aboard, and the two traveled back about 25,000,000 years where the Q-Rex had been lost. Commandacon beat the two rangers to the Q-Rex and he mounted a blocking device on its forehead, then retuned to 2001 with the Q-Rex. Wes and Eric soon followed. The Time Force Rangers summoned the Time Force and Shadow Mega Zords to battle the Q-Rex but even the two megazords weren't enough to take the mighty Q-Rex. Eric found the blocking device on the Q-Rex and destroyed it gaining control. Eric commanded the Q-rex to stop its rampage and used it in Megazord Mode to destroy Commandacon. With the Q-Rex, Eric was made the new leader of the Silver Guardians. Eric never fully joined the Time Force Ranger but when in need Eric always did the right thing and helped the rangers. After Ransik turned himself in, and the four rangers from the future returned to the year 3000, Wes and Eric put their differences aside and co-lead the Silver Guardians. Some time later, Eric, Wes, and the other Silver Guardians tracked the Mutorgs, half mutant half org creatures, to Turtle Cove, home of the Wild Force Power Rangers. The other Time Force Rangers along with Nadira and Ransik, who wished to make up for their evil deeds, teamed up with the Wild Force Rangers to destroy the Mutorgs. It was apparent that Eric had a thing for Taylor, the Yellow Wild Force Ranger, and the two either fought or flirted the entire time. Eric and Wes returned to ranger duty once more when the remnants of the Machine Empire dug up Serpentera and plotted to destroy Earth. Eric and Wes teamed up with 8 other Red Rangers to destroy Serpentera and the Machine Empire once and for all.

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