The Sixth Dimension
White Shogunzord


The Green Ranger
The White Ranger
The Gold Ranger
The Phantom Ranger
The Silver Ranger
The Magna Defender
The Titanium Ranger
The Quantum Ranger
The Lunar Wolf Ranger
The Green Samurai Ranger
White Shogunzord
Warrior Wheel
Mega Winger
Max Solarzord
Dark Wild Zords
Samurai Star
Dragon Dagger
Golden Power Staff
Super Silverizer
Magna Blaster
Titanium Laser
Quantum Defender
Lunar Cue
Samurai Saber


About The White Shogunzord...

The Shogunzord were legendary lost zords found by Squatt, Baboo, and Finster. Lord Zedd intended to use the Shogunzords the destroy Earth. But for Finster to be able to bring the Zords to life he would need a ninjazord and a power source. In order to gain a Ninjazord a power coin was needed. So Zedd used Kat, who was under an evil spell, to obtain the pink power coin. With the power coin Ket kidnapped the Falconzord. But Zedd still needed a power source for his plan to work. So Zedd sent his best warrior, Goldar, who succeeded in capturing Ninjor. Now armed with the technology of the Ninjazords and the power from Ninjor, Zedd was ready to put his plan into action. Goldar kidnapped Kimberly, the Pink Ranger, and Zedd used her as ransom, to get the rangers to pilot the Shogunzords. The rangers had no choice but to give in to Lord Zedd's demands to pilot the Shogunzords. Once in the cockpit of the Blue Shogunzord, Billy reprogrammed the zords to run off of their power coins, therefore giving them control. The rangers had once again foiled Lord Zedds plans for world domination. However Kimberly's power coin was still in evil hands, leaving her powers weak. So Kimberly joined Tommy and co-piloted the White Shogun Zord. The White Shogunzord formed the arm of the Shogum Megazord. The White Shogunzord along with the other Shogunzords were lost when Rita's father, Master Vile, reverted time.

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